Why Following your Bliss is so Important

Following your bliss is important because the vibration itself, the feeling itself, the sensation itself in your body, that you call excitement, bliss and passion is the physical body’s translation of the frequency of our True/Essential/Natural self. Our core essential natural self is the expanded part of us that we chose to be separated from through the process of being socialized, cultured, and civilized. It is the wise, loving, creative, joyful, fearless part of us that contains all our life experiences and all potential to become anything we desire. In the first phase of our life we experience the pain of disconnection, the dissatisfaction of believing illusion as truth, time and time again, until we finally had/have enough and seek the truth and reveal the false reality for its actual purpose: a canvas to paint a beautiful sunset on, a contrast to impose a work of art upon. As we emerge from the darkness of fear, doubt and illusion, into the Truth, our Expanded Self leads us, sometimes ever so gently and gracefully, other times ever so painfully and clumsily, towards experiences that feel better, that are more fulfilling and resonate our entire being with Truth. When you know it, you KNOW it. And if you don’t, then you haven’t felt it yet, but you will soon!

So, any experience that inspires the energy of passion, excitement, and bliss in us is marking that situation, that expression, at that moment, as being most harmoniously aligned with our Core, True, Natural being. And the willingness to act on it completes the circuit from Heaven to Earth. It grounds the circuit and allows for the manifestation of anything that resonates with that vibration in your reality that is capable of being manifested. It may be a poem, a song, an idea, a speech, a dance, an expression of love, a communication, or any other possible action you can dream up. But the point is that we have just served our highest purpose for existing in this life, in this physical realm, in that moment. You see, we humans, in our current and evolving perspectives, in these bodies, are the bridges that connect the physical with the non-physical. We are the conscious links between the manifest and the unmanifest. Our window of communication is the mind, and to communicate with the higher realms where all original creative expression comes from you must discover what brings you joy, passion and excitement, however you do this does not matter. But when you do you will experience a sense of freedom, happiness and satisfaction that you never knew was possible.
Every day, little by little, we peel back the veil, we look through the illusions, we confront our fears, deny our doubts, and clarify our confusions. We go deeper, we receive more information and more inspiration that guides us towards ways to experience this state of excitement, joy, and bliss more frequently. This is the state we came here to experience in its fullness. The rest is all distraction from this true goal. And when we take action that is aligned with the dreams of the Cosmos the whole Universe glows a little brighter because we have touched upon our potential as the conductors, the connectors between Heaven and Earth, between God and the Infinite timeless creative energy that everything comes from and returns to.

How do we go about finding our bliss?

* Sit and breathe.
* Meditate.
* This course can really help you find your passion and bliss.
* Purify your mind.
* Ask for Guidance, watch for the signs, and trust them.
* Take risks, and forget about failure cause if you try you will learn something which means you didn’t fail. Failing is being paralyzed by fear, but eventually, somehow, someday, you will be motivated to try again. So really, in the long-term, you cannot fail. The universe is designed to progress and succeed and you are part of it, so you will progress and you will succeed.
* Give up trying to look good for others and the world and just be who you are, love who you are and whatever that is. You are a beautiful piece of a brilliant puzzle that needs you to be the exact shape, colour and size you are for the whole thing to make sense and fit together.
* Choose actions that inspire a feeling of excitement in your body. You may never know until you step fully into the experience. The bliss may even, and probably is, shrouded by a cloak of fear from the outside, but you are infinite, so you can rest assured that walking through the cloud of fear will surely bring you a feeling of empowerment, excitement and joy, after maybe a couple of moments of discomfort. Learn to see your fears not as an aversion or something to be avoided, but something to welcome and to look straight at with hungry eyes. Courage is acting while the fear, the discomfort and the tension is fully alive in your mind and it’s begging you to back down. It is an illusion. Part of the game. Part of what makes it interesting. So enjoy yourself. Enjoy the fear, enjoy the bliss, it’s all a fun game of forgetting and remembering.

May you emerge into the fullness of your True Divine self and experience the pure energy we call “bliss,”


Again, I really recommend at least trying this course. It can really help you find your passion and manifest a life of pure blissed out creation.

This was inspired by the teachings of BASHAR and Abraham-Hicks

July 17, 2010. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Spirituality. Leave a comment.

Clarity is Key

Clear inner vision is critical if we are to achieve peace and prosperity. By developing a focused awareness of our inner state, particularly the relationhip between our thoughts and our feelings, we shine light on a view of reality that resists the flow of peace and prosperity into our life. By learning to observe not just how we are feeling but what we are thinking about how we are feeling, we can begin to see that how we feel in any moment is a choice, if we can see each defective program running on autopilit and then stopping them. This is most difficult at first, but with time, and practice we can achieve complete control over our emotional state, regardless of what circumstances arise.

This is true power and inner strength.

This is the purpose of meditation, yoga, and holistic healing. Each aims to improve our happiness, health and inner strength. And every time we feel more happy, peaceful, confident, and secure, the life of our dreams comes closer to us experiencing it. This program is a short cut that keeps us in a positive state and therefore attracting what we truly want.

If ever we feel victimized and feelings of powerlessness, blame, or shame arise, we can observe this undesirable state and shift our focus to what we want (happiness, satisfaction, joy, excitement), rather than what we don’t want (shame, guilt, fear, doubt). Even if you aren’t sure why certain unwanted experiences keep happening, if you are suffering at all, you know somewhere a limiting program is running in your mind that is distorting your perception. in short, a lie is being told, and that lie is holding your dreams outside your experience of life.

When we can feel good about things we don’t like, this is the first step to getting what we want. One way to do this is to feel gratitude because each negative experience holds the seed of what we DO want within it. The next step is focusing as much energy and attention to what you truly want and never ever ever giving up! You can and will have the life of your dreams. And even if right now all you want is to feel better, develop more self love, compassion, acceptance, peace….and maybe a new car and the partner of your dreams. All this and more is possible and I will totally show you how to do that.

I credit meditation to being the most significant transformative agent in my life. When I started meditating, I was lead to incredible awakenings that drugs and alcohol pale in comparison to.  I found a new purpose. I found the strength, focus, guidance, motivation and determination to pursue my new dreams. This all began only 6 years ago while I was in my first year of University for nursing. At the time I was just using basic meditation (focusing on the breath), and I still do sometimes. But these days I prefer the turbo charge method. There are several amazing programs that combine the brilliance of meditation with new brainwave technologies and actually induce meditative states in order to access the subconscious more directly. This is similar to removing viruses and installing programs that you enjoy using on your computer. In my opinion, it’s the fastest and most effective way to becoming a successful, happy, confident, and peaceful person who knows their purpose and gets what they want.  This is a very effective program that is only a $1.00 to try out and you get to keep the program materials even if you don’t want to continue on with the actual program. It’s called Meditation Manifestation and it can change your life in a very meaningful and profound way. May you achieve the life of your dreams and experience happiness, success, joy and wealth.

Much Love,


May 25, 2010. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Uncategorized. Leave a comment.